Innovator Founder Visa

Kuwaiti National Granted UK Innovator Visa

By Amer Zaman

on April 6, 2022

The Context

Our client was working on an idea related to the banking sector and in particular, an app that would give the end user more functions than were currently available. She felt that the UK was the best fit in terms of where to launch her product from, given that the UK is a financial hub and it would give her access to both the European and US markets.

Our client had attempted to contact some Endorsing Bodies directly to make some enquiries but found that their responses were slow and generic. She was not able to get the advice she needed from them.

Her concern was that she was unsure what resources she could rely on for support after she had set her business up in the UK. While she felt she had an innovative business idea, she felt that she would need support in order to establish and run her business. She was worried that the Home Office would argue that she had not planned for how she would run her business and this would need to be addressed in her business plan.

How We Assisted

We advised our client that we work with a number of Endorsing Bodies that we could present her idea to, and which would then advise whether they (subject to receiving a full and complete business plan) would endorse.  During a meeting with our client, we were able to extract the headline terms from the business and selected a group of Endorsing Bodies who could assist her, not only in terms of the Endorsement but also with regard to supporting her during the course of her visa.

The feedback from the Endorsing Bodies was good and they were excited about our client’s project. Our client was able to select which Endorsing Body she wanted to work with, which we discussed covering both the advantages and disadvantages. Following an offer from the Endorsing Body, we reviewed our client’s circumstances and selected the one we thought could assist her the most.

We advised our client regarding the Innovator visa and the specific requirements in her particular circumstances. Our client provided her supporting documentation, which we reviewed before providing her with feedback. Some documents needed to be amended, which we were happy to review again for her. We were able to swiftly process her visa application and arrange for her biometric appointment at her local visa application centre.

The Outcome

Our client was granted the Innovator visa following a short period of nine days. Our client was “extremely grateful” for the assistance she had received from the team at Cranbrook Legal. We were able to utilise our working relationships with the Endorsing Bodies to advise our client as to which one would be best suited to her business needs. For the best access to Endorsing Bodies, please contact Cranbrook Legal today to discuss your business requirements.

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